BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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60 Sapphire.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-25-1989
DESC: Sapphire2 is a Tabby event for maintaining your userlog.
KEY: Sapphire.cpt KBytes: 48128
59 Saudi.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-17-1991
DESC: An NEC (Net Echo Coordinator) in southern California volunteered to
KEY: Saudi.cpt KBytes: 18432
DESC: carry The Saudi Connection into his entire net. A housewife/sysop in
DESC: Florida asked what she could do to help out. A teenaged boy in New
DESC: York volunteered to feed the entire state of New York. And the word
DESC: spread like electronic waves across the land. The Saudi Connection
DESC: met with an enthusiastic reception. Sysops every-where were sending
DESC: night time messages all across the land enlisting the help of yet
DESC: another unsuspecting sysop. n ten weeks the net grew like topsy from
DESC: a small handful of BBSes scattered here and there to well over 1,050
DESC: BBSes representing 38 states, Alaska, Hawaii and even Canada.
58 SC2.2Patch 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-19-1987
DESC: Smartcom version 2.2 patch
KEY: SC2.2Patch KBytes: 8192
57 SEND AN ESCAPE 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-02-1991
DESC: While it recently became possible to change Second Sight so that it
DESC: would display and send a number of graphics characters in the IBM
DESC: ANSI character set, until now it wasn't possible to send any of the
DESC: escape sequences which allow use of cursor control, alternate
DESC: character styles, and animation although most terminal packages were
DESC: able to use them. This 'quick and dirty' fix will allow you to send
DESC: these sequences to your users.
56 Send Msg Proc.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-24-1988
DESC: Send Messages RR Procedure
KEY: Send Msg Proc.cpt KBytes: 3072
55 Sequencer.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-25-1989
DESC: Sequencer.sit allows the Tabby sysop to write Tabby sequences for
KEY: Sequencer.cpt KBytes: 4096
DESC: later playback.
53 SetSoundVol.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-10-1991
DESC: This trivial RCMD can be called from your own White Knight
KEY: SetSoundVol.cpt KBytes: 9216
DESC: procedures to set the Macintosh speaker volume. This can come in
DESC: handy if you like to keep your speaker volume low (0 or 1) but
DESC: occasionally want a louder beep to notify you of a download
DESC: finishing, etc., when you are away from your Macintosh. Keywords:
DESC: rcmd,speaker,volume,sound,setsoundvol.
51 Shoelace 1.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-03-1992
DESC: Shoelace is a Tabby compatible program that will perform one simple
KEY: Shoelace 1.0.cpt KBytes: 14336
DESC: function. It will update your BBS software. I wrote Shoelace
DESC: because of the way I sysop. While WMUG BBS runs at home, I live on
DESC: campus miles away from my house. Since we are running TeleFinder,
DESC: I can make any software update or change to our setup that I
DESC: desire... any change but one. I can't update the BBS software
DESC: because it's already running. I found myself performing these
DESC: gymnastics on my event strings in order to get a new version of our
DESC: host software running. Well, no more!
50 ShutUp.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-23-1992
DESC: ShutUp - This tiny program simply shuts down the Mac. Useful for
KEY: ShutUp.cpt KBytes: 3072
DESC: inclusion at the end of an event chain to shut down a BBS after ZMH
DESC: or to close down a point system after early morning mail exchange.
DESC: Written by Ulf Adelson, all three lines of Pascal code.
49 Sir Gwideon.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-04-1988
DESC: Red Ryder Host Game
KEY: Sir Gwideon.cpt KBytes: 14336
48 SITDOCS.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-20-1988
DESC: Compactor Docs 1.31
KEY: SITDOCS.cpt KBytes: 17408
47 SitToCpt.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-25-1991
DESC: SitToCpt 1.10 is a FREE utility which converts archives created by
KEY: SitToCpt.cpt KBytes: 19456
DESC: Compctr 1.5.1 into Compact Pro archives. Typically reduces file
DESC: size by 25%. Keywords: sittocpt,compact
DESC: pro,compactor,Compactor,archive, compression.
45 SLASHER!1.1.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-25-1989
DESC: SLASHER!1.1.SIT is a great Red Ryder Host Userlog util for updating
KEY: SLASHER!1.1.cpt KBytes: 38912
DESC: and macro commands.
44 Slic.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-25-1991
DESC: A survey language compiler for SS. Actually a language unto itself,
KEY: Slic.cpt KBytes: 50176
DESC: easier to use than the 'real' survey language.
43 SmartClone.3.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-13-1988
DESC: Acknowledge Smartclone file
KEY: SmartClone.3.cpt KBytes: 15360
42 Smartcom BBS.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-09-1989
DESC: Smartcom BBS version 2.0 allows uploads, downloads and messages.
KEY: Smartcom BBS.cpt KBytes: 19456
DESC: Designed to work with Hayes Smartcom software for the Macintosh.
41 SmtDownload.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-16-1987
DESC: GEnie Smartcom autopilots
KEY: SmtDownload.dd KBytes: 5120
40 Son Of Sysopƒ1.2.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: Updated "Son of Sysop V1.2" a Mansion Utility. Creates new upload
KEY: Son Of Sysopƒ1.2.cpt KBytes: 112640
DESC: reports for msg. bases and email. Easy Configuration from the
DESC: program itself. SOS creates your new files report aprox. 1000%
DESC: faster than NewManFiles processed. You may select any combination
DESC: of days of the week for this module to run. Report is sent to the
DESC: Sysops mailbox in Mansion when new files are found. The latest
DESC: release version may be file requested here at 290/2 with the
DESC: filename of SonOfSysop.Sit.
39 SpecialMsgEdit.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-29-1989
DESC: Host 2.0 Msg editor
KEY: SpecialMsgEdit.cpt KBytes: 59392
38 Splice 1.31.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-14-1991
DESC: Lets you join merge text files to create new files. Useful in making
KEY: Splice 1.31.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: multiple-source Systemx.msg files. Version 1.2 is a code cleanup of
DESC: the original -- it's less than half the size and won't crash under
DESC: adverse conditions. Version 1.3 lets you merge up to four text
DESC: files. Version 1.31 correctly merges files with or without final
DESC: carriage returns.
37 SPONGE.0.7.CPT 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-21-1991
DESC: Sponge is a utility designed to diagnose a problem between Second
KEY: SPONGE.0.7.CPT KBytes: 12288
DESC: Sight and TabbyNet. The problem exibits itself as TabbyNet crashing
DESC: during a CrashMail event. To use Sponge: 1) put it in the same
DESC: folder as Se as Second Sight. 2) using ConfigEdit set the NetMail
DESC: application to Sponge instead of Second Sight. 3) Re-Start Second
DESC: Sight. Version Changes: Sponge 0.7 now has adjustable Multifinder
DESC: wait time and data collection time. You can edit the times with
DESC: ResEdit. This solves a problem with Sys 7 on a Plus with FileSharing
DESC: turned on. (It took too long to launch TabbyNet) This one also has a
DESC: Cool Color Icon. Sponge is FREEWARE by Kirk Crawford.
36 SRVYSeries1.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-15-1987
DESC: Series of Host Survey files.
KEY: SRVYSeries1.dd KBytes: 16384
35 SS Stack 12/91.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: SS Stack 12/91 contains a hypercard stack listng of all Second Sight
KEY: SS Stack 12/91.cpt KBytes: 44032
DESC: BBS systems and their sysops, node numbers, phone numbers and info
DESC: about the system.
34 SS->TF Demo.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-26-1991
DESC: This file contains a demonstration of SS->TF Filer, a new conversion
KEY: SS->TF Demo.cpt KBytes: 292864
DESC: utility for converting Second Sight file descriptions to Telefinder
DESC: format. This conversion utility will also adjust the size resource
DESC: in the Second Sight directory to reflect true size after the
DESC: Telefinder description resource is written to the file. This utility
DESC: is very useful for 1). Conversion from Second Sight BBS to
DESC: Telefinder format. 2). Running Dual Second Sight and Telefinder
DESC: Boards with instant Telefinder updates on Descriptions. 3). Allowing
DESC: Telefinder Sysops to utilize Second Sight file tools for creating
DESC: FSP lists and utilizing other Second Sight Tools. Michael Bean (602)
33 SS->TF Filer.auto 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-18-1991
DESC: This file is an indepth view of the workings of SS->TF the Second
KEY: SS->TF Filer.auto KBytes: 44032
DESC: Sight BBS to Telefinder format directory conversion utility. This
DESC: file contains a teach tool document with picts of the functions of
DESC: SS-TF Filer and how it can help expand the functions of any
DESC: Telefinder Sysops file functionality even if they never required
DESC: conversion. Many file utility manipulation tools are available for
DESC: Second Sight that have not been developed for Telefinder users.
DESC: Such as the ability to dump all of your descriptions to text.
DESC: SS->TF allows you to maintain a dual SS and TF file system with
DESC: automatic description writting for Telefinder compatability.
31 SS2.1PATCH.TXT.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-09-1991
DESC: version 2.1 has an interesting bug that will increase users' time
KEY: SS2.1PATCH.TXT.cpt KBytes: 3072
DESC: limits in the right circumstances, by a lot. If a user gets credited
DESC: time, say, by chatting with you for 15 minutes, and then launches
DESC: an external application, his or her credited time will be added
DESC: TWICE. So say this user had an original time limit of 200, and after
DESC: chatting it was temporarily raised to 215. After an external
DESC: returns, the user's time limit would become 230, then 245, etc. This
DESC: text file documents a way to edit a Second Sight CODE resource to
DESC: fix this bug.
30 sslist.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-08-1990
DESC: This file contains a list of all Red Ryder Host BBS's as of 9-1-90.
KEY: sslist.cpt KBytes: 10240
29 SSsitTocpt.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-06-1991
DESC: This is a quick and dirty program I cooked up in a few hours on
KEY: SSsitTocpt.cpt KBytes: 17408
DESC: Thursday July 27 1990. It should help expedite the changeover from
DESC: Compctr Archives to Compactor Archives on a Second Sight BBS. What
DESC: you do is this, use the sit to cpt program in batch mode to convert
DESC: all your Compctr archives to Compactor archives. I have been
DESC: getting a savings of 10 to 30% in size! Then run this program on
DESC: each of your file sections. It will create a new file section with
DESC: the same name, but .new attached to the end. This file section will
DESC: be exactly the same except they will be automatically updated for
DESC: the new cpt format. Check your sections afterwards. The program will
28 Stacks R Us.MII 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-20-1988
DESC: Microphone II scripts which redial and log on Stacks R Us
KEY: Stacks R Us.MII KBytes: 5120
27 StarTek.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-30-1986
DESC: New Vt52 Terminal Program for Mac'ers use to Main Frames.
KEY: StarTek.dd KBytes: 32768
26 STFDLXUP.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-18-1991
DESC: STFDLXUP.SIT is Compactor Deluxe Updater: Bug fix for Compctr Deluxe
KEY: STFDLXUP.cpt KBytes: 206848
DESC: 2.0, updates to 2.01. Fixes bug in conversion of 1.51 files.
25 StopCrashMail.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-23-1992
DESC: StopCrashMail - This little external is useful only to Hermes SysOps
KEY: StopCrashMail.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: running Tabby. It allows you to set the Hermes node number of
DESC: which you would like to have crashmail temporarily disabled. Stop
DESC: CrashMail presents a prompt to the SysOp (User #1) when logging on
DESC: asking if you wish to turn off crashmail during your online
DESC: session. If you answer "Yes", Stop CrashMail toggles the Accept
DESC: Crashmail checkbox in the Node Prefs for that particular node. When
DESC: you log off, the crashmail toggle will be turned back on.
24 Stufclas.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-27-1990
DESC: The release version of Compactor Classic from Ray Lau. This archive
KEY: Stufclas.cpt KBytes: 361472
DESC: contains a self-extracting Installer application, re-stuffed to get
DESC: around the Tabby bug.
23 Stuffit 1.51 11 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: Stuffit 1.51 is our old timer original. About 80% of the files on
KEY: Stuffit 1.51 KBytes: 79872
DESC: this BBS or more wil decompress with this tool. Disk doubler,
DESC: Compactor, Stuffit Classic will all decompress these formats as
DESC: well.
22 StuffIt Classic 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: StuffIt Classic is a the shareware version of Stuffit delux. Not
KEY: StuffIt Classic KBytes: 378880
DESC: really of much use to most of us but somne like it so its
DESC: available.
21 StuffIt Classic.cpt 8 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-04-1990
DESC: This is the pre-release version of Compctr Classic, which is version
KEY: StuffIt Classic.cpt KBytes: 103424
DESC: 1.6B1 of Compctr II. Although the commercial Compctr Deluxe is now
DESC: out, Alladin and Ray Lau will continue to support the Shareware
DESC: version. This version will unstuff both Compactor 1.51 and
DESC: Compactor Deluxe files.
19 Stuffit XCMDs.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-24-1990
DESC: Enclosed in this Compctr Archive are a MicroPhone II Settings
KEY: Stuffit XCMDs.cpt KBytes: 12288
DESC: document, and documentation for using the XCMDs. Contained in the
DESC: MicroPhone II 3.0 document are two XCMDs Stuff and UnStuff. These
DESC: XCMDs allow you to create Compactor Deluxe archives as well as
DESC: decompressing both Compactor Deluxe/Classic and Compctr 1.5.1
DESC: archives. They require the presence of the 'Compactor Engine*'
DESC: which is part of the Compactor Deluxe package.
18 SUPERDIALER 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-05-1987
DESC: RR 10.1+ (NOT 10.0)procedure that dials 1-4#'s until connect
17 SuperEdit1.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-13-1988
DESC: SuperEdit version 1.0 Procedure for miniHost
KEY: SuperEdit1.0.cpt KBytes: 3072
16 Survey Hints 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-04-1987
DESC: Survey Hints file
KEY: Survey Hints KBytes: 4096
15 Survey Maker 2.0 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-13-1987
DESC: Survey Maker version 2.0 fixed
KEY: Survey Maker 2.0 KBytes: 51200
14 SurveyEdit.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-13-1988
DESC: Survey editor program for RR Host
KEY: SurveyEdit.cpt KBytes: 63488
13 SurveyHacker.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-14-1990
DESC: SurveyHacker.sit is a Red Ryder Host 2.0 Survey Hacker.
KEY: SurveyHacker.cpt KBytes: 59392
12 Surveys.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-08-1988
DESC: Several Host surveys
KEY: Surveys.cpt KBytes: 5120
11 SurveyStack.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-17-1988
DESC: RR Host survey Stack builder
KEY: SurveyStack.cpt KBytes: 7168
10 SwitHayes.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-21-1987
DESC: Hayes 2400 baud programing software.
KEY: SwitHayes.dd KBytes: 49152
8 SysDown.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-10-1988
DESC: System down version 2.5 for BBS
KEY: SysDown.cpt KBytes: 52224
6 Sysop Mailer.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-08-1988
DESC: New mail system for RRH
KEY: Sysop Mailer.cpt KBytes: 23552
5 Sysop Module 1.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: Sysop Module 1.0 is for the MUBBS project. Use this file with MUBBS
KEY: Sysop Module 1.0.cpt KBytes: 9216
DESC: version .5 for BBS utility needs.
3 Sysop/BBS Law.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-14-1991
DESC: Review of SYSLAW - LEGAL GUIDE for BBS SYSOPS. Not machine specific
KEY: Sysop/BBS Law.cpt KBytes: 5120
DESC: - for both MAC and PC. If used in newsletter, please give credit to
DESC: the Brocatos, and send me a copy of the newsletter. I will forward
DESC: to the Brocatos. Thanks - Ira Wilsker, Box 10043, Beaumont, TX
DESC: 77710. By Charles and Kathryn Brocato.
2 SysOpStuff.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-20-1989
DESC: Empire Stuff for 1.51
KEY: SysOpStuff.cpt KBytes: 7168
1 SysopUtils.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-07-1987
DESC: New Host Sysop Utils
KEY: SysopUtils.dd KBytes: 39936